Elisa Biagini
I translate your life through feng shui, receipes, I glue your vocal cords back together I tune the voice you had, the tongue that was written in your body that was washed away with bleach, wind, dishwater I can read it to you still in those x-rays that you carry around as your portfolio to the gallerists, and in the dust at the bottom of the drawers and in that one left inside gloves in all these years of acid rain, that has cleaned your bones like silverware. |
Elisa Biagini lives in Florence, Italy after having taught and studied in the U.S. for several years (Ph.D. Rutgers University). Her poems have been published in several Italian and international reviews and anthologies. She has published 7 poetry collections- some biligual- such as “L’Ospite”, (Einaudi, 2004), “Fiato. parole per musica” (D’If, 2006), “Nel Bosco” (Einaudi, 2007), "The guest in the wood" (Chelsea editions, 2013 - “2014 Best Translated Book Award” ), "Da una crepa" (Einaudi, 2014), “The Plant of Dreaming” ( Xenos books, 2017) and “Depuis une fissure” (Cadastre8zero, 2018; Prix Nunc 2018). Her poems have been translated into English, German, Spanish, Chinese, Portoguese, French, Croatian, Japanese, Slovak, Arabic, Serbian and Russian and she has been invited to important poetry festivals such as: “Stanza-Scotland’s International Poetry Festival”, St.Andrews, Scotland; “Dubai International Poetry Festival”, UAE; “poesiefestivalberlin”, Berlin; International Writers Workshop, Hong Kong, “Struga Poetry evenings”, Struga, Macedonia, “Poetry Parnassus”, London, England; “Queensland poetry festival”, Brisbane, Australia; XIII International Poetry Festival of Granada, Nicaragua; Xu Zhimo Poetry and Art Festival, King’s College, Cambridge, England; 44° Feria Internacional del Libro, Buenos Aires . She has translated several contemporary American poets for reviews, anthologies and complete collections (“Nuovi Poeti Americani” Einaudi, 2006) and teaches Writing at NYU-Florence. Along with her work as a poet, Elisa has presented several installation projects in relevant art spaces and has collaborated with musicians, artists and choreographers www.elisabiagini.it