Nitoo Das (India)Festival Poems
Nitoo Das is a birder, caricaturist, and poet. Her first collection of poetry, Boki, was published in 2008, and her second, Cyborg Proverbs, was brought out by Poetrywala in 2017. Das’s PhD from Jawaharlal Nehru University dealt with constructions of the Assamese Identity under the British. Her poetry has been published in journals like Poetry International Web, Pratilipi, Muse India, Eclectica, Seven Sisters Post, North East Review, Four Quarters Magazine, Poetry with Prakriti, Vayavya, Poetry at Sangam, Uncanny Magazine, Almost Island, Diaphanes, The Indian Quarterly, etc. Das’s work has also found place in several anthologies. Two recent ones are Centrepiece: New Writing and Art from Northeast India edited (ed: Parismita Singh; Zubaan, 2018) and The Himalayan Arc: Journeys East of South-east (ed: Namita Gokhale; Harper Collins India, 2018). Her interests include birding and bird photography, fractals, poetry as hypertext, and translation from Assamese to English. Das teaches literature at Indraprastha College for Women, University of Delhi.