Mangalesh Dabral (India)Festival Poems
Mangalesh Dabral (1948) is a poet, journalist and translator. He was born in 1948 in Tehri Garhwal. His books include five collections of poems, two collections of literary essays and sociocultural commentary and a book of conversations. He has also published a travel account, Ek Baar Iowa (Once, Iowa, 1996), based on his experiences in Iowa, USA, where he resided for three months as a fellow of the International Writing Program in 1991.His poems have been widely translated and published in all major Indian languages and in Russian, German, Dutch, Spanish, French, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Bulgarian, and Portuguese. They have been included in various leading magazines and anthologies in India and abroad. A selection from his poems in English translations This Number Does Not Exist has been published by Poetrywala in India and BOA Editios, Rochester, New York. He participated in the Poetry International Festival, Rotterdam, the Netherlands, in 2008, Sabad International Poetry Festival, New Delhi in 2014, Poet Translating Poets Festival, organized by the Max Mueller Bhavan, Mumbai in 2016, and VAK Indian Poetry Festival, New Delhi in 2016. He has translated into Hindi the poems of Pablo Neruda, Bertolt Brecht, Ernesto Cardenal, Yannis Ritsos, Tadeusz Różewicz, Zbigniew Herbert, to name a few. He has also worked as a consultant to the National Book Trust, India, and has received many awards, including Shamsher Sammaan (1995), Pahal Sammaan (1998), the Sahitya Akademi Award (2000), Delhi Hindi Academy’s Sahityakar Samman (2001), and Kumar Vikal Smriti Award (2008). One of his poems has been engraved at the entrance door of the city centre in Eislingen, Germany where he visited and gave poetry reading in Tubingen, Ulm and Zurich in Switzerland.