I wish to transcribe on paper The quiescence around the Buddha Sleeping in the twenty-sixth cave of Ajanta And the cool solitude there
I wish to savour the taste of soil The taste which is translated into the crops Grown by farmers And the smell of the soil Where sweat of toiling generations has dribbled
And I hear the sound of a bullet just shot
I wish to write The love notes filled with guilt which remained unexpressed
- And I hear the screams of children Trapped in a burning cottage
In the midnight listening to the Darbari of Aamir Khan The commotion is heard from the bastis set on fire
The industrialist who has grabbed the world in his fist Gobbles pieces of land sticking on his fork for his breakfast
I want to write poems about trees In their language But I am disillusioned I tell them: You have been growing since ages To be cut and die silently Please pull out your roots and go away …. Curse us and go away.
In the land affected by amnesia The chosen path will lead you You are destined to be doomed
I don’t wish to write a poem In the havoc of carnages At this doomed hour of lost poem.
Ganesh Visputay is an award winning Marathi poet, translator, and painter. His awards include State Govt. of Maharashtra Award, 1992,
Kavi Keshavsut Puraskar of Govt. of Maharashtra, 2012, Balshastri Jambhekar Award for translating Orhan Pamuk’s novel My Name Is Red in Marathi, 2015, and Dr. Jahagirdar Memorial Samskriti Award, 2020